Nevada Route Operator. INAG is now placing slot machines in smaller properties in Nevada. This would include bars, restaurants, and small casinos. Specializing in bar tops with new software.
INAG President Sir Mark H. Jones has over 3 decades working in both Class III and Class II Gaming. As a key employee, he worked his way up through both Table Games and Slot Management before becoming a Casino Shift Manager at Sycuan Casino in El Cajon, California. Mr. Jones is an established speaker at gaming conventions and has written several gaming management articles in gaming publications. INAG has had unprecedented growth for several years even through the down economic times.
Mr. Jones has worked with surveillance departments in the monitoring of gaming floor activity. This service can be incorporated with a shop of the property. We all know that things are different in many of the smaller casinos when the management team is off property.

INAG believes in working with the casinos to meet their needs and is flexible in making this happen. Every property is unique and as product providers, we must never lose sight of that. We strive to grow at a rate that will catch the attention of one of the larger gaming companies that will make us an offer we can't refuse.

INAG will review your current gaming policies and procedures and will recommend suggested changes. Most P+P’S have their good points, bad points and missing points.
Mr. Jones has created and patented many table games and has more games currently under development. He counsels new game developers and lays out what they can expect ahead of them, both in costs and legal challenges. New court decisions have made the whole process like a minefield and Mr. Jones offers his time free of charge with hopes they can avoid stepping on one of them. INAG will also provide assistance to those INAG feels have potential to market. The costs to license with the Tribal Casinos, travel and market new games is cost prohibitive to most new game developers. They need to join with successful developers that not only have these licenses but also have the necessary relationships to get into the casinos to show their product. INAG does over 1 million dollars a year in reoccurring lease revenue and continues to have record growth.