Ultimate 2 Card War
Ultimate 2 Card War
ULTIMATE 2 CARD WAR is a 2-card game where Players enjoy multiple ways to win by simply matching cards or having a higher 2-card total than the Dealer. If a Player is dealt a "21" or a pair of Aces, they are always awarded a prize of 3:2. Otherwise a, Player’s total must be higher to win - which is paid at Even Money. Bonus bets award prizes when the Player is dealt a pair, or if a Player’s cards match the value of a revealed Dealer card.
"No hits, no splits. .. two cards- that's it!"

Ultimate 2 Card War Video Demo

Game Rules
Players must make a Base Wager, in addition to any bonus Match wagers, prior to any card being dealt. Match wagers are optional.
After betting is complete, the Dealer will complete the hand and award prizes or collect bets as appropriate. No further player action is required after the initial betting is made.
Bonus Payouts
Mirror Match payouts
Win if the Player’s 2 cards match each other in value.
Suited Aces ……….. 40 to 1
Suited Pair …………. 25 to 1
Colored Pair …...….. 12 to 1
Mixed Pair ………...….. 5 to 1
Match Flip Card payouts
Win if either Player card matches the revealed Dealer card
2 Suited Matches ..……….... 22 to 1
1 Suited 1 Non-Suited ...… 15 to 1
1 Suited Match ………......….. 11 to 1
2 Non-Suited Matches ..…… 8 to 1
1 Non-Suited Match ..…..…… 4 to 1